Service Learning and Civic Engagement Curricular Initiative

Applicant/SLCE Faculty Requirements:

To successfully meet the expectations of the program and remain eligible for future funding, faculty awardees will be required to:   

  • Attend required faculty development workshops/CoP meetings with the IEL in the 2024-25 academic year demonstrating growth and progress of SLCE course/curriculum development 
  • Complete regular progress reports as requested by the IEL (December, May), to ensure future funding transfers (transfer of funds will occur monthly) 
  • Attend an orientation session hosted by the IEL for new faculty, or a program refresh for veteran faculty, before hiring student CEAs 
  • Engage as a supportive, developmental supervisor of student CEA, with timely approval of timesheets, prompt responses to communication from the IEL, and proactive conversations about any issues that occur 
  • Lead a mid-year developmental conversation with student CEA before the end of the funding cycle 
  • Offer support and mentorship for CEA’s demonstration of learning project (ePortfolio for showcase or artifact presentation at end-of-year Engaged Learning event)

Processes and deadlines:

  • Faculty applies for SLCE program funding - Deadline March 22, 2024 
  • Applicants notified from IEL of funding support - April 15, 2024 
  • Funded applicants complete Letter of Acceptance - Deadline April 30, 2024 
  • Funds transferred from IEL to awardee’s fiscal account at of each month for each funded semester 
  • Awardees enrolled in appropriate CoP professional development programs with CSL/IEL (May 15, 2024) 
  • Awardees hire student CEA, and communicate CEA contact information to the IEL (dependent on individual projects)

Apply now